Pmdg 747-400 Livery

PMDG have released a list of the liveries that will be included with their 747 V3! In a post on the AVSIM forums PMDG’s Kyle Rodgers wrote: “Here’s what’s currently done as of 22DEC16.


Here's what's currently done as of 04MAR17. Atomic race 412 manual transmission This list has changed and may continue to change: © Denotes accurate and verified configuration. This process is ongoing, and does not represent a completed list of verified configs. There's loads that I would like to see: Virgin Pre 2000 Virgin Mid 2000s Virgin current Virgin Lady Penelope (If UA can get 4 liveries) British Airways Landor British Aisa Airways (G-CIVE please) Northwest Old Colours (First in commercial Service) Northwest New Colours Boeing House Colours Qantas 400ER Steven, Great list but don't forget about Cathay Pacific delivery colors (the Don Grange special for those who have the ITVV DVD)! I always thought the -400 looked great in that livery and the original Northwest livery as well. Hopefully someone will paint an Air Bridge Cargo -F as well. Really looking forward to this release!

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There are currently a whopping 20 different liveries available for the Boeing 747-400, 13 for the Boeing 747-400F as well as a handful of others for the Boeing 747-400BCF and the Boeing 747-400M. The list is pretty extensive covering old favourites like British Airways, Qantas, United and Cathay Pacific. PMDG have released a list of the liveries that will be included with their 747 V3! In a post on the AVSIM forums PMDG’s Kyle Rodgers wrote: “Here’s what’s currently done as of 22DEC16.

And Kyle, thanks very much for the heads up on the automatic fuel configuration in another post. All us long haulers will appreciate it! Regards, Todd Legon.