Ge Refrigerator Makes Clicking Sound
Newer style GE refrigerators all use a motherboard on the back side of the refrigerator to control most of the functions on the refrigerator. If you start to hear a constant “clicking” sound every few seconds coming from the back side of the refrigerator, the motherboard might have failed. Pull the refrigerator out while it is still making the noise and listen to where the sound is coming from. You should see a panel on the back of the refrigerator, behind this panel is the control board (make sure not to touch the control board while the refrigerator is plugged in, you may get shocked or electrocuted). Behind this panel is the control board. If the noise seems to be coming from the control board, then the control board has failed and it will need to be replaced. GE does not sell replacement parts for the control board, so the whole control board must be replaced if there is a problem with the control board.
Ice Maker makes consistent clicking sound and doesn't make any ice up vote 2 down vote favorite I have a GE french door refrigerator with freezer on the bottom.
When the control board fails it can cause the refrigerator not to run or cool. It also controls the water dispenser, fan motors, and more. Cisco router password crack. Most of the GE & Hotpoint refrigerators use part number WR55X10942 control board. Some higher end GE model refrigerators with variable speed compressors use part number for the control board. Replacing the motherboard is easy, and only takes about 15 minutes.
Always be sure to look up the correct control board with the model number from the refrigerator first before ordering. If you need to purchase a control board for you refrigerator please click the link below to visit our parts store. We usually have the lowest price on the internet for these control boards. If you have any questions or comments please post them in the comments section below.
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My GE Refrigerator began to have cooling problems, then started to make a 'Click Click' Sound.in repetition, and the compressor was 'short cycling'. It was not cooling well.

The 'Known Problem' of a circuit board component is discussed. I easily removed and repaired mine for under $4 and I thought I'd share my solution with those who may have similar problems with their refrigerator. Or many in electronic items actually! The Problem is a tremendous amount (100's of millions) of 'Bad Capacitors' were produced by Chinese and Taiwanese manufacturers using an incorrect formula stolen from Japanese inventors/producers. The Fix is to replace any suspected Capacitor on the circuit board with Japanese branded capacitors.