The Alchemist Book In Marathi Pdf: Software Free Download
Feb 15, 2018 Download FileRead the summary and our honest review of the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. And download The Alchemist PDF ebook free via the download button at the end. The Alchemist PDF Review: There are many books available on the subject of the fiction and the fantasy. But very fewer of them are on.
Paulo Coelho, Oh! What a Genius he is.
These were the first words that came out of my mouth when I finished reading The Alchemist. Never in my whole life had I read a book like this. It took me just a day and a half to complete the book. When I first started it, it got me and then I didn’t stop reading until I was finished. And that is the genius of Paulo.
He shares a beautiful story in which you think about having fun only. But at the end, you end up learning 100 lessons of life.
He teaches you what life actually is when you try exploring it. A story of a shepherd boy who sat out on a journey where he learned things he won’t ever forget. Get free The Alchemist Pdf at the end of this review.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Alchemist Introduction: The Alchemist probably is the best work of Paulo Coelho and one of the best ever. You can estimate the success and demand of this novel by the number of languages it has been translated. It was first put out in 1988 by Paulo and then later, it got translated in about 67 languages. The original language in which it was written is Portuguese i.e. Paulo’s native. By the time 2009, it completed its translation into 67 major languages in the world.
A journey of a young shepherd who takes on a journey when he dreams of a treasure in his dream. He ends up learning a lot of important things about life on his journey.
This book made many world records that are registered in Guinness Book of the world records. The record of most sold translated book and also one of the most sold books in history.
About Author Paulo Coelho: Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian book writer and philanthropist who is known for his amazing novels. Some of his books made a lot of world records. Ray barretto la cuna rar. Among his most sold books are The Alchemist, Eleven Minutes, the Pilgrimage, and Adultery. He has received a lot of international awards for authors and Crystal award by WEF is one of them. The book we are talking about today is his most successful book ever. The Alchemist sold over 200 million copies and is still selling after all these years.
No Portuguese writer has sold more than Paulo Coelho which is his top achievement. He is known for his unique style of teaching things through his novels.

He plots a beautiful story from which we learn a lot of lessons while enjoying the story. The Alchemist is one of those books that has the same ability to teach things through storytelling. Paulo Coelho was born on 24 th August 1947. The first school he attended was a Jesuit school.