Dell Kb522 Business Multimedia Keyboard Driver
Thanks Matt for your reply. As far as I can tell, there are no new keyboard drivers that I ought to have and don't.
The Dell™ KB522 Wired Business Multimedia Keyboard has a newly refreshed ID and a sturdy design with mid-profile keycap for. Drivers, Manuals & Support.
My Dell CD doesn't seem to have any relevant information either. I am aware that MS Powertools TweakUI will reprogram the special purpose keys on my keyboard and that does work on those keys but TweakUI doesn't handle the function keys apparently. What am I missing here? I would think that reprogramming function keys would be a common activity since that's what function keys are for, but I can't find much discussion about it. Is there some obvious solution that I have overlooked? Or doesn't anybody really do this? All I want to do is to assign a shortcut to a function key when the desktop is displayed.
Thanks again for any comments. I'm using a Dell Dimension 2400, Windows XP SP2, and Dell Enhanced Multimedia PS/2 Keyboard Part number 3R302. I was suggesting that your Dell keyboard might have a Control Panel Applet (you found it - 'Keyboard') similar to that for an MS keyboard in which there is some scope for reprogramming some of the function keys. If there is no tab for keys in your Keyboard applet then I would suggest that it is not possible to reprogram the keys. From the link posted above. Dell Enhanced Multimedia Keyboard This product is a Soft Touch keyboard featuring tactile switch technology and a small footprint enclosure.
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The keyboard features 8 pre-programmed (Not programmable - my edit) Hot Keys, an Audio Control Pad and Audio Volume Knob to control media functions. Thanks for your comments. Microsoft (free) PowerTools TweakUI DOES allow the reprogramming of the Hot Keys, regardless of what Dell says.
I've tried it and it works. But it doesn't seem able to do the Function Keys (F1-F12), which is what I was trying to find out about. Also, the Dell Help and Support facility has rarely answered any question that I have had. When I enter 'keyboard' in the search, a number of hits are returned, but none of them seem relevant. Walk the dinosaur video ice age 3.
Maybe this is really a Microsoft or Windows question, not a Dell question????? Thanks again for your suggestions - I just don't understand why such a simple function is not obvious. Problem solved (mostly)!! Silly me - I thought all the function keys would behave the same way. In fact, when I right click a desktop icon, then click on Properties, then select Shortcut Key, then press ANY FUNCTION KEY OTHER THAN F12, the system works properly: the Function Key takes me to the shortcut when I press it while the desktop is being displayed.
This works on all the function keys EXCEPT for F12, which was the only function key that I tested. So if I had tested any other function key, there would not have been any problem.
I still don’t know why Shortcut Keys will NOT work on F12, but I can live with that. Thanks to all who responded or thought about this question. Sorry I didn’t test further initially.
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Navigate your computer system faster with the Inland Multimedia USB Keyboard. This keyboard lets you quickly access your most comm. Only used apps and programs thanks to 17 hot keys and 107 standard keys. With so many special keys available, one key can be designated for each of the top programs that you use. The black keyboard comes in a slim and sleek design, and it supports the latest operating systems.
You can integrate it easily to your PC with its USB interface. The ultra-slim USB keyboard i.