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This is my biggest wish since the beta began on April 6th. An OFFLINE mode with bots like Quake Live has. Truth is many people want an OFFLINE mode. It has been discussed over and over on the closed beta forums.
Download League Of Legends Offline Mode for PC League Of Legends Offline doesn't exist - League of Legends is an online Game that was released in 2009; the developers of the game (Riot Games) have decided that the game players need to be connected to the internet, even if they are only playing against. If you want an offline version of league of legends, there is no publicly available version of league. Riot's offline client is used exclusively for tournaments.
Then in the developer AMA they state the game will be always online. We have to be patient and give them some time to figure out their their path forward, their business model. Patience is the key word here. There are more pressing issues that need to be solved first.
Like finishing the game. I do hope we will eventually get it, as will NOT support an always online game on the long term. Always online is bull$hit. Said: Hey!the devs mentioned that while Quake Champions is designed to be an always-online game, they understand practising against bots is a frequent request - and while they have no timeframe for implementation, they are looking into the feature. First of all thank you for your answer. But how should we interpret the statement in the AUA?
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We repeatedly mentioned that implementing bots on a dedicated server environment and keeping the game always online leads to very POOR results. Please look below at a comparison between the bots in Quake 3 Arena and those implemented in DOOM 2016. You can clearly see that LAG completely ruins the experience in DOOM while having no effect in Quake 3. This is why we insistently ask for OFFLINE available bots. The answer in the AUA, is ambiguous because we want OFFLINE bots, not just bots Timeframe is not the issue, we are not expecting an offline bot mode during the beta. The priority is getting the game done. We just want the promise that you will do your best to implement an OFFLINE bot mode somewhere along the road when / after the game is officially launched.
This bot mode should behave like a fallback mode, with all profile progress and favor disabled, and should be playable without an internet connection, locally vs AI bots. (Hell, from my part you can also disable champion customization and only make available the basic, vanilla champion skins in this mode if you are worried.). You can keep everything else 'always online' but gives us this offline fallback mode, give us a way to enjoy the game without worrying about connection quality or server up-time. Fact is they don't care.
They want to turn Quake into a big store to sell cosmetics. And they think that if you can play offline with bots you will not buy anything.
The contrary is true. Counterstrike is succesful because they give players what they want and then on top sell cosmetics. I already have the best internet conection I can buy here and it;s not enough, it only is good enough to play sometimes.
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They don't care about people with bad connection that just want to buy the champions and play offline.