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Hey author, I've discovered a great way to farm EXP and gold easily and quickly. Here's the method: - /join honorhall-99999 - Enter the building in front of you when you warp in - Accept the last two quests from any of the Class Mentors (Levels 61-75 & Hall of Honors) - Defeat the entity, 'Ice Demon', ten times. This will complete both quests simultaneously - Turn the quests in and receive a grand total of 30,000 EXP and 30,000 gold! Hope you can add this in so you can continue to advance the reaches of auto-farming in Adventure Quest Worlds.
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Hey author, I've discovered a great way to farm EXP and gold easily and quickly. Here's the method: - /join honorhall-99999 - Enter the building in front of you when you warp in - Accept the last two quests from any of the Class Mentors (Levels 61-75 & Hall of Honors) - Defeat the entity, 'Ice Demon', ten times. This will complete both quests simultaneously - Turn the quests in and receive a grand total of 30,000 EXP and 30,000 gold! Hope you can add this in so you can continue to advance the reaches of auto-farming in Adventure Quest Worlds. Hey author, I've discovered a great way to farm EXP and gold easily and quickly. Here's the method: - /join honorhall-99999 - Enter the building in front of you when you warp in - Accept the last two quests from any of the Class Mentors (Levels 61-75 & Hall of Honors) - Defeat the entity, 'Ice Demon', ten times. This will complete both quests simultaneously - Turn the quests in and receive a grand total of 30,000 EXP and 30,000 gold!

Hope you can add this in so you can continue to advance the reaches of auto-farming in Adventure Quest Worlds. Hey author, I've discovered a great way to farm EXP and gold easily and quickly. Here's the method: - /join honorhall-99999 - Enter the building in front of you when you warp in - Accept the last two quests from any of the Class Mentors (Levels 61-75 & Hall of Honors) - Defeat the entity, 'Ice Demon', ten times. This will complete both quests simultaneously - Turn the quests in and receive a grand total of 30,000 EXP and 30,000 gold! Hope you can add this in so you can continue to advance the reaches of auto-farming in Adventure Quest Worlds.
Pls help me why is the aqw bot 8.4 is taking sooooooooo long to load i checked the internet connection its not laggy i choose a server then loading. Joining lobby. Then loading map.(100%) and still stuck why is it like that?
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Diablo 2 lord of destruction 1.13 high resolution patch. Welcome to FilePlanet, the leading online destination for Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction Patch v1.13c downloads and hundreds of thousands of other game files, including demos, patches, mods, trailers, free pc games and more. Our mission is to support the gaming community with a fast and reliable download site. This unofficial 'patch' allows you to play Diablo II in resolutions other than 640x480 and 800x600. It is, for the most part, completed, but there are still a few issues that have not been worked out. The 'patch' lets you select any resolution 640x480 or higher that is supported by your current display adapter/monitor. How to play Diablo 2 LOD with higher resolution(1.13c) (self.Diablo) submitted 3 years ago by Ancinew I couldn't find anything that worked so i post here as my last chance to find a solution. Mod_Author wrote: This unofficial 'patch' allows you to play Diablo II in resolutions other than 640x480 and 800x600. It is, for the most part, completed, but there are still a few issues that have not been worked out. The 'patch' lets you select any resolution 640x480 or higher that is supported by your current display adapter/monitor.