Radiohead Reckoner Remix Stems Downloads

Unique visitors: 6,193,776, Page Views: 29,090,134, Hits: 58,340,512, Bandwidth: 10.666 Terabytes, Number of mixes: 2,252, Number of votes: 461,090, Number of track listens: 1,745,304.we thought it only fair to do the same with a tune that at least is in 4/4. Cara download film silat mandarin. You can get the stems (the different instruments/elements) from. Sample, cut, take the sounds, whatever. Play it in a club.


Or your room. Then if you want you can upload your finished mixes to and be judged by everyone else. YOu can create a widget allowing votes from your own site, Facebook or MySpace to be sent through too.

Radiohead had electronic musicians James Holden, Flying Lotus and Diplo create remixes of 'Reckoner'. As they had done with their previous single ' Nude ', Radiohead also released the separate stems from 'Reckoner' for fans to remix. Oct 31, 2016 - By September 28, 2008—only a single day after Radiohead released the stems for download—130 remixes of “Reckoner” were uploaded to.

Menu • • About OSC ⇨ • • • • • • Library ⇨ • • • • Forums ⇨ • • • Resources ⇨ • • • • • • » » » » Radiohead Remix! Author Topic: Radiohead Remix! Member Member # 8854 posted November 10, 2008 06:28 PM So for anyone that follows radiohead, they are currently holding a Radiohead Remix competition on Here is my submission- I'll take it down at a certain point, as it is not technically supposed to be published anywhere else but their own site. Still, thought some of you would care for a listen. See if you can guess at my source material.

The song stems used are from 'Reckoner.' -- I'm having an issue with Logic, so the music starts 18 seconds in. Registered: Nov 2005 IP: Member Member # 8124 posted November 10, 2008 08:29 PM Downloading. Registered: May 2005 IP: Member Member # 8124 posted November 10, 2008 08:39 PM Pretty awesome stuff. I love how you lay Thom Yorke's voice over itself in several places -- it sounds great. This might get onto my mp3 player. Are you familiar with the track 'Talk About The Blues (Saints and Sinners Remix)' by Jon Spencer Blues Explosion? I'm recommending it.

Something vaguely (very vaguely) along the same lines as you're doing here. But meaningless and bombastic. It's a lot of fun to listen to. Good job with this. Registered: May 2005 IP: Member Member # 8376 posted November 10, 2008 08:58 PM If you could find the time to remix Lewis (Mistreated) You could upload it and I'd download in my pants. No seriously, I'd worship you for at least a day.

As for the song you did remix, I like it quite a bit. Registered: Jul 2005 IP: Member Member # 8854 posted November 11, 2008 10:15 AM Well, I'd need the stems in order to do a remix that didn't sound like a version of the original that was put down a garbage disposal. It's kind of like making spaghetti- you can use the sauce out of the can, or make your own out of tomatoes and onions, but you shouldn't try to take the onions out of the canned stuff. Registered: Nov 2005 IP: Member Member # 693 posted November 11, 2008 01:55 PM I got the stems, but I haven't been able to settle on what exactly I want to do with them. I'm definitely going to miss the contest deadline, which is too bad.

Listening to your remix now. Cool stuff. Registered: Feb 2000 IP: Member Member # 8854 posted November 12, 2008 03:48 PM The contest isn't exactly any great shakes anyway. They're just fishing for talented sound engineers I imagine- I'm always hoping for that call from Thom Yorke to tell me 'you're in!' Registered: Nov 2005 IP: .