Primer Premier 5 Keygen
Primer Premier 5.0 Description: Primer Premier is a comprehensive primer design application. Our collection also doesn't contain any keygens, because keygen programs are being used in illegal ways which we do not support. All software that you can find here is freely downloadable and legal. Oct 30, 2012 I need keygen for primer premier 6.12 software. Would you please help me? Report Abuse. Are you sure you want to delete this answer? You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. You can only upload videos smaller than 600MB.
For those involved in the field of molecular biology, working with PCR primers to design and analyze them can become a lot easier through a program like Primer Premier. It comes with a neatly organized interface which puts at your fingertips all the functions and allows you to carry out a variety of tasks as fast as your computer allows it. An important mention insofar as the system resource usage is concerned has to be made at this point, more precisely that Primer Premier will put some serious strain on your PC.
Being fully developed in Java has a lot to do with this and you should make sure there's enough free memory and, as much as possible, other applications are not running while you work with this software. As soon as you import a specific sequence file or open an existing project, the utility scans and displays all the data inside the main window, where it is structured in several tabs, depending on the options you choose. The primer properties, BLAST information and SNP information each have their corresponding tab, where all the details are displayed. When it comes to the analysis part, Primer Premier is equipped with the necessary tools for performing advanced primer, BLAST and template structure searches, evaluating predesigned primers and more.
All in all, through a solid feature set, this software solution can be of great help for those who need such a program. Nonetheless, the number of users is very limited due to the fact that it is a highly specialized piece of kit. File Size: 73.6 MB Downloads: 20994 Added: Aug 29th 2017 User rating: 3.6.
Primer Premier 5.0 Description: Primer Premier is a comprehensive primer design application. Primer Premier 5.0 Features: PCR primer design- design primer pairs for PCR and multiplex experiments.
Cross species- Amplify sequences from multiple species. Pathogenic detection- Locate oligos in highly conserved regions.
Allele specific- Exclusively amplify a single member of a set of related sequences. Degenerate- Start with an amino acid sequence, reverse translate and design oligos in regions of low degeneracy automatically.