Manual Test Edwards Epps
Edwards derived the test content from the human needs system theory proposed by Henry Alexander Murray, which measures the rating of individuals in fifteen normal needs or motives. The EPPS was designed to illustrate relative importance to the individual of several significant needs and motives.
' The Relationship between the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule Variables and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Scales.' Journal of Applied Psychology, XLI ( 1957), 307- 311.,, Bales, R.
Interaction Process Analysis. Cambridge, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1950. And Wessen, A. ' Perspective and Strategy for Nursing Role Research.' Nursing Research, in press. ' Objective Measures of Needs and Course Achievement in Introductory Psychology.' Journal of General Psychology, LIX ( 1958 ), 51- 57.,, Bernardin, A.
And Jessor, R. ' A Construct Validation of the EPPS with Respect to Dependency.' Journal of Consulting Psychology, XXI ( 1957), 63- 67., Corah, N. L., Feldman, M. J., Cohen, I. S., Gruen, W., Meadow, A., and Ringwall, E.
' Social Desirability as a Variable in the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule.' Journal of Consulting Psychology, XXII ( 1958), 70- 72., Dunette, M. D., Kirchner, W. K., and De Gidio, Jo Anne. ' Relations among Scores on Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, California Psychological Inventory, and Strong Vocational Interest Blank for an Industrial Sample.'
Journal of Applied Psychology, XLII ( 1958), 178- 181.,, Edwards, A. Manual for the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. New York.: Psychological Corporation, 1959. ' Conformity Analyzed and Related to Personality.'
Journal of Social Psychology, LIII ( 1961), 271- 283.,, Fisher, S. And Morton, R. ' An Exploratory Study of Some Relationships between Hospital Ward Atmospheres and Attitudes of Ward Personnel.'
Journal of Psychology, XLIV ( 1957 ), 155- 164.,, Gebhart, G. ' Personality Needs of Under- and Over-achieving Freshmen.' Journal of Applied Psychology, XLII ( 1958), 125- 128.,, Goodstein, L. And Heilbrun, A. ' Prediction of College Achievement from the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule at Three Levels of Intellectual Ability.' Journal of Applied Psychology, XLVI ( 1962), 317- 320.,, Graine, G. ' Measures of Conformity as Found in the Rosenzweig P-F Study and the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule.'
Journal of Consulting Psychology, XXI ( 1957), 300., Hartley, R. And Allen, R. ' The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS): A Factor Analytic Study.' Journal of Social Psychology, LVIII ( 1962), 153- 162.,, Heilbrun, A. ' Relationships between the Adjective Check-List, Personal Preference Schedule, and Desirability Factors under Varying Defensiveness Conditions.'