Autoxray Scan Tool Software

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AutoXray Automotive Diagnostic Tools. Auto Xray EZ-PC 500 EZ-PC makes your EZ-Scan even more effective and efficient. This revolutionary Windows-based software.

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Product Description Today's automobile is as much a product of the modern age as any personal computer. Wired with networks of on-board computers designed to optimize efficiency and proper functioning using standardized Onboard Diagnostics (OBDs), they churn out Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) intended to alert drivers and technicians of potential problems. Professional garages use expensive diagnostic scanners to decipher these codes, but there is another way to get the job done. AutoXray's AX7000 TechScan Diagnostic Scan Tool. The AutoXray AX7000 offers all the benefits, accuracy and upgrade opportunities of a high-end diagnostic tool, with a price tag that both automotive professionals and serious do-it-yourselfers can afford. Loaded with easy to use diagnostic software, constructed of tough, gripable plastic and coming complete with a rugged carrying case, an assortment of color-coded, OBD-specific cables and a deep array of features, it is designed to put the ability to read, record and playback live sensor data, trouble codes and their definitions in the palm of your hand.

Autoxray Scan Tool Software

Diagnostics Right Out of the Box: OBD-I, OBD-II and BeyondThe AX7000 offers an extensive range of diagnostics possibilities, including access to diagnostic codes and datastreams ranging from GM, Ford and Chrysler OBD-I codes (1982 - 1995), all OBD-II enhanced codes (1996 and newer), GM, Ford and Chrysler enhanced OBD-II datastream (1996 - 2006) and enhanced OBD-II code commands for Toyota, Nissan and Honda models. In addition to this, the unit also ships loaded with software containing many other useful functions such as graph data (1984 - 1995), an acronym library, an O2 monitor test, extensive bi-directional test functionality, a diagnostic monitor test, the ability to print directly from the scanner via a USB cable, multiple feature launching through programmable hot keys and much more. Upgrade Options: SD Memory Cards and the InternetToo often diagnostic tools are created with an overly narrow purpose, forcing consumers to buy a different tool for each job. As a reaction to this, the AX7000 was designed to offer something rarely seen in a tool in its price range, upgrade options both attractive and easy. First, to take advantage of its long history in the diagnostic tool industry, AutoXray has ensured that the AX7000 is Internet updatable, allowing AX7000 owners to both upload software shipped with previous AutoXray scanners for a nominal fee, as well as the latest versions of the AX7000 software. More importantly, the AX7000 SD memory card slot allows owners to upgrade their scanner with specific definitions, codes and datastreams as they are released. A regular release schedule of upgrades has been established for the near future which will include SD cards and any necessary cables.