Hack Quarantine Virus Core H
Reply.hack// Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, and Quarantine. And the game give you some Virus Core when you need it ( boss of donjon,.

We ran back to Sigma Server, grabbed a Virus Core I (just one, that’s all I need, I refuse to do any more), jumped back to Omega Server and hacked into Splendid Emerald Nobleman, one of the areas we were given by the inhabitants of Net Slum. It’s only a Lv.80 against my Lv.82 party, so hopefully we’ll be able to breeze through it. We cleared the field without even meaning to, and headed down into the dungeon. Met a new enemy, The Guardian, who looks more like an amoeba/computer/digital being than most of the fantasy-style monsters in the game. I’m not sure if he’s supposed to give a sense of foreshadowing or not.
He has a lot of life, but no imuunities, and he only gives 80-40 XP. He’s nothing special until you Data Drain him. I usually don’t bother Data Draining since it de-levels the enemy to Lv.0 and you only get 1 XP for the kill, but these guys were getting Protect Break status 2 or 3 times during a normal battle. On a whim, I Data Drained one and got an awesome sword for BlackRose, but now it’s Lv.0 form (The Bracelet) was kicking my ass! Unlike every other enemy in the game, this guy turns into a powerhouse when you Data Drain him, so we switched to boss tactics and took him down in a few seconds to the tune of 520 XP. Totally going to abuse this later.
This is the easy form, pre-Data-Drain. We pushed for the bottom of the dungeon, only avoiding enemies who are way out of the way because we’re still getting some decent experience. We even find a Virus Core I in a treasure room. Enemies are pretty routine, and no real rough spots throughout. Even the dungeon boss was fairly easy, Protect Broken in less than a minute and killed in one hit after that.
We headed back upstairs and abused the XP boost from The Bracelet until Lv.90 or so. That puts us at a distinct advantage, even if leveling up in this game never seems to make you stronger (pet peeve). At least we all have more HP!
Once we unloaded our equipment and re-stocked, it was off to the next area, Dreaming Moonlit Gravestone. Harvest pu4urs. Now that we’re really over-leveled, I’m just going to take the opportunity to plow through these areas as fast as I can.
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We skipped the field, headed straight to the bottom of the dungeon and beat the boss, Draining it’s virus core. Back to Lia Fail, sell, restock, and save, and it’s off to the next area or it would be, if I had two more Virus Core J’s. Here we go again.
I can’t help but giggle. We head to Hidden Passed Over Sea of Sand since we’ve farmed J Cores here before. We managed to find two Cores from enemies on the field, so we didn’t have to go mucking around in the dungeon, thank god. With cores in hand, we hacked into Muted Starving Dry Sea, and again went straight for the bottom floor of the dungeon. Managed to get my whole party to Lv.91, courtesy of a couple more Bracelets we ran into.