Fsx Discus Glider X
I had a good look at the product pictures within the Pilot Shop, and they look well, incredible--the detail appears breathtaking. OK, to enjoy gliding, which some would say is the purest means of flight, you do not have access to a jet or turboprop, or petrol engine. Actually you would be wrong since, yup, two of the three models provided actually have a small engine housed at the top of the fuselage (one two bladed prop, and one five bladed) just behind the pilot. When selected, the engine appears like a dorsal fin.
Discus Glider X For FSX Published by Aerosoft Reviewed by Jack Whaley-Baldwin March 2010. Introduction The Discus range of gliders were produced by the. The Duo Discus is a two seat glider with high performance for advanced training and instruction cross country flying. Solid state physics by ma wahab. First flight in 1993. First flight in 1993. The FSX version is fitted out with a water ballast system by Ian-Forster-Lewis.
The engine types also vary in each offering. Switch on the engine, and there you have it, a powered glider. Very handy to get to the perfect spot, switch off, tuck away, and you have a 'clean' glider to enjoy powerless flight.
I am very lucky, I have been up in a glider many times, and adore the serenity and sound of wind rushing past. A whole new set of rules apply, closer to nature if you will, your sudden reliance on the wind/air conditions such as ridge lift, wave lift, and rising air, i.e.
Thermals, to provide all your lift. Believe me, it can 'focus' the mind. You know, incredibly, some flights can last for 1000's of kilometers across the countryside. In the UK it is not unheard off to achieve over 1000 kilometers. OK, you have to have the right glider and favorable conditions, but still incredible.
Some of the best conditions will be found in the middle of summer, longer days, more powerful sun, etc. Amazing altitudes can also be reached. In Scotland, the where they have teh highest mountains in the UK, a pilot reached 30,000 feet agl! In the US, a pilot achieved a staggering 46,266 feet agl. Fancy passing a jumbo--that would give the commercial pilots something to talk about!
Let alone the passengers! In truth, the air is really still, being able to 'read' the signs of potential lift are an art, and when well practiced results in some truly awesome flights, both in duration, and distance/time. Keeping a good lookout for cloud formations, crops at certain times of the year, towns, and above all birds since they sure know where the thermal activity may be.
Do some research as to the best glider slopes and locations, so you can then select them, if listed, within FSX. It is worthwhile. The gliders depicted are of the Discus Standard Class of glider, in production 1984-1995. Some are still being manufactured in some other countries.
Some 850 are still flying, a true testament to the glider's heritage. What Is Included And Installation The technical points from the developer: Features: • Fully professional development (over 20 months). • Ten high detail models (for example just the VC of the BT model has 146384 polygons, more than double of what FS2004 could compile) using all the FSX options. • Highly advanced flight models that are accurate even in spins and other non standard attitudes.

• Over 100 non standard sounds (like flying with open windows, side slips, pending stalls, etc.) all triggered by FSX variables and conditions using Aerosoft Sound Control. • Full working water ballast system. • Two static ports (with selector) to avoid problems when using the auxiliary engines. • Dozens of non standard animations, up to elements that move under high G load. • Very realistic flexing wings created with a new technology. • All instruments accurate, including TEC and NETTO variometers. Not like this simplified gauges in the default glider in FSX.