Essentials Of Mechanic
Get this from a library! Essentials of the mechanics of materials. Win myanmar fonts systems thinking. [George N Frantziskonis].
Because these lists are for “average” bikes, your particular bike may need more, less, or slightly different tools than what is listed here. For example, if your bike has a “threadless” headset, you will not need the headset wrench listed for threaded headsets. When in doubt, bring your bike to a professional bike shop and ask about a specific procedure or tool. Better yet, sign up for the, a class in bicycle maintenance at your local shop. There are several sources of tools. Non-bicycle specific tools are usually available at better hardware stores, automotive shops, tool stores, and some department stores.
Check with your local bike shop for specialty bicycle tools. When a Park Tool product is our recommendation, the tool number is given. There are some cases where there may be more than one Park Tool that will work—in these cases, we will recommend either the most common or the simplest tool. These are just the essentials to just to keep you on the bike keeping up the air pressure in the tires, fixing the occasional flat tire, and cleaning and lubricating the chain. Otherwise, we will assume that any technical work will be done by a professional bicycle shop. Tool Description Park Tool Product More Information Hex Wrench / Screwdriver Set such as IB-1, IB-2, AWS-13, AWS-14, etc.
Used to tighten bolts and adjust derailleurs Tire Levers Levers vary in design and fit Patch Kit, VP-1 has glue in tube; GP-2 has pre-glued patches Floor Pump Pump head fits both presta and schrader Drivetrain Cleaning Kit Includes Cyclone Chain Cleaner, Gear Brush, and Bio ChainBrite™ fluid.