Budidaya Tanaman Gandum Pdf Files
Basically, farmer have owned local knowledge recognize ecology, agriculture, and formed forestry by generations from their ancestors and expand along with the way time. This Local knowledge expand in local scope, corresponding to condition and requirement of society.
As especial actor which most recognizing condition of environment, where he remain and have cultivation, farmer have wisdom (wisdom farmer) certain in managing natural sumberdaya. This wisdom later;then become base in adopting technology and information so that yield local knowledge matching with the condition of local agriculture.
Tanaman untuk pertumbuhan. (vegetative part. (gandum, wheat), serealea. (S): Hordeum. Bags/used packing material), makanan ternak.
Like at development of grist crop in District Of Tosari Sub-Province of Pasuruan, farmer have local knowledge grist crop conducting. Seen background above, there are some problems which need to be studied, that is: 1.
How condition of economic social farmer of grist in Countryside of Podokoyo District of Tosari? How local knowledge farmer concerning grist crop conducting obtained?
Down to earth stevie wonder. Down to Earth is the sixth studio album by American singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder, released on November 16, 1966 on the Tamla (Motown) label. The album was a departure from Wonder’s earlier, teen pop-driven albums, and, along with its predecessor, Up-Tight, it re-established the sixteen-year-old Wonder, whose voice had recently changed, as.
Any kind of local knowledge forms farmer in grist crop conducting? How to look into farmer to local knowledge that grist crop conducting to farmer? Seen existing problem formula, hence target of this research [is]: 1.
To identify the condition of economic social farmer of grist in Countryside of Podokoyo District of Tosani. To know how local knowledge grist crop conducting obtained.
To know local knowledge forms farmer in grist crop conducting. To know the way of farmer approach to local knowledge farmer concerning grist crop conducting. Determination of this research place intentionally (purposive) that is Countryside of Podokoyo District Of Tosari Sub-Province of Pasuruan with consideration that the countryside represent area of sentra development of grist crop in East Java. Responder come from farmer it is of course which grist crop conducting. Amount of Prosperous Group Farmer Source member which [is] grist crop conducting there are 36 people, hence subjek can be taken all censusly as this research responder. Data which done taken primary data by using enquette (and kuisioner) of wawacancara with responder pursuant to question of structure, and data of sekunder obtained of institutions and internet which related to this research.
Appliance analyse data use descriptive analysis qualitative. Where perception pickings will be explained systematically, which supported with evidence is spacious, which in the form of descriptive statistical in the form of percentage and tables. And then to result of circumstantial interview with various responder which cannot be presented in the form of statistic, will be presented in the form of or clarification of narasi accompanied other complement documentation and photos. From solution hence can know that condition of economic social farmer of immeasurable grist.
If seen from demography aspect, farmer stay in productive age, education of low farmer (equivalent SD), and experience of farmer in grist crop conducting still just 1-4 times season plant. If seen from habit in exploiting of farm, pattern plant which used farmer innings pattern with aim to to break cycle live disease and pest. Some of farmer have land;ground have status property of xself and some of again with rent status. Enthusiasm farmer of grist crop conducting have 3 reason of that is: giration / crop innings, exploiting of farm and existence of available market medium. Target of farmer of grist crop conducting commercial that is obtaining maximal advantage by selling entire/all result of grist crop production. Farmer first time obtain;get information concerning grist crop stem from Mr.
Yuli Sungkowo as pioneer of grist crop conducting [in] District of Tosari. Channel Communications the used channel of interpesonal, and discussion of mouth to mouth and or from media meeting of group. Local Knowledge forms farmer concerning tendency grist crop conducting still uniform, kanena still expand in local scope (farmer group) that is in the case of arrangement of time planted, way of planting, irrigating, protection of disease and pest and also pascapanen. In the case of election of grist seed, planning of spacing plant, crop and fertilization each farmer differ as according to requirement each farmer.