Windows Ice Cream Sandwich Control Bear Anime
Remove the back from your phone, you must unplug your phone to do that. - Replug the phone - Run the ControlBear - Follow the commads on the screen. Wire trick: - take a cable! - Press the cable on the sdcard protection during 0.5sec, release during 1.75sec press again during 0.5sec. 2 possibilities: It doesn't work: 1 - Your phone do not restart. Try again 2 - Your phone restart, but stay on the same Juopunut Bear screen.
Download r studio 4 $2 serial number b00472046a. You have an Error Code. Close the cmd command and run the controlbear.exe again It works: Your phone restart. And the CMD said it's done. - Follow the instuctions on the screen!
Android alert: Is this Ice Cream Sandwich? Bear in mind, of course, that even. Google has long promised Ice Cream Sandwich for the fourth quarter of the year. Windows Ice Cream Sandwich Control Bear X. 4/3/2017 0 Comments. Android gives you more freedom and control. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. How to Set a Custom Android Ringtone. With this ROM being based on the older Ice Cream Sandwich. Make Windows 7 Look Like Android With Android Skin Pack.
Hello, I am completely new to this rooting and s-off thing, and I took a stab at it and my phone is totally screwed. I was attempting this method. This is what I am getting from control bear: ======== ControlBear 0.6 beta for JuopunutBear S-OFF ========== Rebooting from bootloader Waiting.Waiting Detecting.Starting up. Connecting to device. Searching device.
Connect device and install drivers Press ENTER to exit. On the phone screen, it says juopunutbear, with a green arrow pointing down to a picture of a phone. I tried rebooting my phone, it goes to the bootloader menu, and when I select recovery, it just goes right back to the bootloader menu. I have no way to connect my phone to my pc to add files, I have no way to do anytrhing really. Please somebody tell me I didnt brick my phone, and there is a solution.
Thanks in advance! Step 1 Pre-requisites: • Supported Operating Systems: We only support Windows 7 32bit or Ubuntu 12.04 (and newer) 32bit, you may use a if you have the wrong OS installed natively. Win XP 32bit might work for you but we do not support it as we did not test on it. Windows 8 (64 or 32), 64bit Windows, 64bit Ubuntu, Ubuntu versions lower than 12.04, Virtual Machines and Mac's will NOT work - we will not help you if you break your device! • Be on the Stock RUU and be rooted (have superuser flashed). No other ROMs are supported, Fresh ROM will not work regardless of what you have read elsewhere. • Ensure that your battery is fully charged.
• External SD card (2GB - 16GB) in your device. • Perform a full backup or replace your SDcard with one that you are willing to wipe - it is possible that during these steps all data may be lost. • You must UNINSTALL HTC Sync and any other phone software on your computer prior to running ControlBear. • If you're running Windows you should disable any Anti-Virus or Anti-Malware software prior to running our tools, it may interfere with ADB.