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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Gameplay [ ] Travian: Legends is set in classical antiquity. Each player starts the game as the leader of a small, undeveloped village, surrounded by undeveloped resource fields. Developing these fields increases their resource output. The village can be developed by constructing new buildings and upgrading existing ones. Recruiting military units allows players to attack other villages to plunder its resources, and defend from enemy attacks.
Villages may trade their resources with other villages if both villages have a marketplace. The player may expand their realm by founding new villages, or by conquering other players' villages.
Players can communicate with each other using in-game messages, and may join for military and economic co-operation with other players. Starting a game [ ] Players must register on the Travian website to join a game, providing an e-mail address, and creating a username and a password. The player must also choose a tribe to play the game with, and select a World, that represents a, to play in. Entities in one World can only interact with other entities in the same World. Events that take place in one World do not affect other Worlds. Players may operate accounts in multiple Worlds, but operating more than one account in the same World is prohibited by the rules.
However, multiple players may operate a single account. Worlds close registrations for new players after a certain number of players have signed up. After logging in, the player can follow a tutorial that guides them through various aspects of the game and offers rewards for successful completion. At the start of the game, there is a 'beginner's protection' period, in which the player cannot be attacked, the length of which depends on the server. Tribes [ ] There are 3 playable tribes and two non-playable tribes on classic Travian: Legend servers. Sonalksis stereo tools vst plugin nexus. Two additional tribes are also avaliable on special servers, currently called 'Fire and Sand'. These tribes are the and.
The original playable tribes are the, the, and the. The player selects one of these tribes during registration. Each tribe has different specialities. Romans can upgrade buildings and resource fields simultaneously, have powerful troops which are expensive to train, and have low-capacity merchants. Gauls have fast-moving troops with good defensive capabilities, and fast merchants. Teutons are geared towards an aggressive style of play, and offer weak but cheap troops, as well as slow but high-capacity merchants. Once a tribe is chosen it cannot be changed, and all villages founded or conquered by the player will be of that tribe.
The two tribes are the Natars and Nature. Natarian villages randomly spawn all over the map, and will gradually develop. Villages of players who have deleted their accounts will also have a chance of turning into Natarian villages. These villages can be attacked and conquered by players. Natars also occupy the central area of the map, and will attack players' villages in that area.
Natarian villages may hold ancient artefacts which give bonuses to those who possess them. Nature is the tribe to which animals occupying abandoned oases on the map belong. Unlike the other four tribes, Natural troops cannot attack other villages but may be attacked. It is possible to capture animals from oases and use them as defensive units. Resources [ ] Developing villages and training units consume resources. Resources are produced by the resource fields that surround each settlement; their output can be increased by upgrading the fields and by capturing nearby oases.
There are four kinds of resources in Travian: wood, clay, iron and crop. Each resource is required to develop a village, with clay being the most demanded used resource for construction. Additionally, consumption of resources will vary based on the player's tribe: Roman troops require iron for their armour, Teutonic troops require wood, and Gallic troops require clay. Military units and the village population consume crop, so the net crop production is lowered whenever the population grows or a new military unit joins the village. Troops can raid other villages to plunder resources. Resources can also be transferred to other villages unilaterally if the source village has a marketplace. Bilateral trade can take place when both villages have a marketplace, and one village accepts a trading deal offered by another.
Buildings [ ] Buildings can be built and upgraded in the 22 building slots in the village centre. They cost time and resources to construct, and attract more people to settle in the village, increasing the population. Buildings may have a prerequisite that one or more of the other buildings must be at a certain level. Each type of building has a different use. New villages start with the main building, which decreases the construction time of new extensions to the buildings and resource fields in the village. Warehouses and granaries allow the village to store more resources. Military units are trained at the barracks, stable, workshop, residence and palace, while military research is conducted at the academy and the armoury.