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Newspaper Page Text UNION & RECORDER. The Indiana Deadlock. Indianapolis, January 20.—Th legislature 1 met in joint cons cation at noon today and took one ballot There vert* n hirftc number of pair of both houses, and but scvt'iity-foii. Members were present.
The ballot resulted: Turpie 34, Allen 3. The re publicans refrained from voting. The Texas Senatorial Race. YHK TWENTY-FIRST BALLOT TAKEN BUT NO ELECTION.
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Austin, Tex., January 29.—The d«>ftd lock in Legislature over the elec tion of a Senator to succeed Maxey, continues unbroken. Eight ballots were taken, the last being the twenty- rirst in consecutive order, and result ed, Maxey 46, Regan 56, Ireland 32. A motion that the Senate withdraw from the joint sessiou was defeated twice, but prevailed the third time by one majority. An adjournment was taken until ten o'clock on Monday. Death at a Dance.
Sitar pitch g1x g1xon. A YOUNG LADY BURNS TO DEATH IN A CROWDED BALLROOM. Wellington, Kan., January 20.— At Freeport, Kan., Thursday night, while a masked ball was in progress, the dress of Miss Cora Boulder, which was trimmed with paper, caught fire from a bracket lamp and she burned to death in the presence of panic- stricken people. A number of people endeavored to save her, but only set their own clothes on tire and some were badly scorched in their endeav or to save the girl.
The Gate City Guards in Europe. We print this running an interesting in terview with Captain Burke, touching the ••oming visit of the Gate City Guards to Europe.,, It will be soon that the French minister of war writes to tho American minister wel romlng the Gate City Guard to the Frolich- republTc, and asked that tho mtrilstor he notified in advance of tho exact date ot which tho Guards will arrive.
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This, of course, moans an official reception for the Guard. Tho Belgian minister in his letter is oven more explicit. Ho says that the Prince do Chinny In a letter to him iuforrns him that 'the best of welcomes will bo re served for them.” There is no doubt that the tour ol the Guard through Europe will assume international importance. It is likely that the British government will he the onlvEuropean power that will re fuse tte> Guard the right to bear arms through their territory. The World’s Cotton Supply.
Hew York, January 29.—The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 3,252,829, of which 2,780,623 are American, against 3,049,671 and 2,701,- 871 respectively last year. Receipts at all interior towns, 74,033; receipts from plantation, 117,404.
Crop in sight, 5,313,213. The glass factory will be in opera tion iu about two months. The fac tory will be located on the East TLio.o ot tlie Eagle and Phoenix Mills authorized tlio Directors to build Mill No. No ac tion 1ms been takon so far as tho public Is concerned, but the subject is just now be ing agitated, and the probabilities are that tho work will bo begun on the new mill in a short, timo.—Augusta News.
Tom Green county, Texas, is named after a famous pioneer from North Carolina, who did his share of light ing against Santa Anna, and was hon ored when Texas secured her inde- pendanee. Tom Green county has aju area of 32,800 square miles, and is larger than the States of Massachu setts, Rhode Island and Delaware com bined. A Terrible Explosion.—A Fort Soott, Kas, dispatch of the 25th gives an ae- count of a teirlble explosion of two hun dred cases of giant powder while In transit over the Missouri I’acillc road about two miles from that place. Fifteen of tho 23 freight cars were completely demolish ed. Keott Heuker, brakeman was instant ly killed, and several others were moie or less Injured. Many thought It was an earthquake and lied from their houses.