Powerbuilder 11.5 Patch
Release Bulletin PowerBuilder. Sybase® PowerBuilder version 12.5.2 supports these operating systems: • Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 3 • Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition 32-bit and 64-bit with Service Pack 2.
Support for Microsoft Office 2007 Excel formats (IM) PowerBuilder 11.5.1 you can also save DataWindow and graph data in.XLSX and.XLSB (Excel12) format, with or without column headers. Because.NET Framework 3.0 or later must be installed on development and runtime computers to use this functionality, you cannot save data in these formats on Windows 2000 computers. Other than the Windows 2000 platform restriction, the same level of support is provided as for Microsoft Office 2003. You can use the PowerScript SaveAs command with graphs or DataWindow controls to save data to Excel 2007 formats by setting the saveastype argument to XLSX! You can also export DataWindow data to Excel 2007 formats by selecting one of the Excel12 items from the drop-down list in the Save As dialog box that displays when you select the Save Rows As menu item in the DataWindow painter. Excel 2007 support is dependent on the following strongly named assemblies. Little big planet 2 date.