Michael 4 Pro Bundle Torrent
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Repacked my old Minotaur 6 torrent to include everything I have (just missing two pose packs). Another resurrected (and restructured) 'up' from yours truly. I know most will already have this (or most of it) but for those who don't. Download dos 6 22 iso file.

Bundle includes (with templates where applicable): Basic Hair Brandon Casual Long Hair Everyday Male Poses for Genesis 2 Male Michael 6 Anatomical Elements Logan Micah Hair for Genesis and G2M Michael 6 Michael 6 Variety Poses MMA Shorts and Gloves MMA Shorts and Gloves for Genesis 2 Male Textures Newport Outfit for Genesis 2 Male Newport Outfit Textures Order of the Wolf Uniforms for Michael 6 Voyager for M6 Voyager Textures And some relatively new stuff. You don't add images to the upload here.you did just fine adding the image here in your post! I'm looking at some of these, and wondering if we can have everyone try to keep the image sizes roughly the same.
Not too small so you can't see the item/character, but not a full page image either Kooroe's, is fine, for example, if like that, it's a single post, but anything bigger is pretty much just taking up space and creating a lot of scrolling. Bandwidth is a moot point these days, although anyone that IS on dialup will have a hell of a time waiting for images to load. I think De4lt's post, above, has a decent image size to shoot for, and works fantastic for these bundle uploads, or when posting more than one upload in a single post. Not complaining, we're all finding our way here and learning a new way of doing things. Just tossing out ideas to keep our new home neat and organized, and accessible to a greater majority. You can't actually add an image to the upload description, the old built-in image host didn't survive the last nuke, but you can post a link to an image host in the description, and use it here. Just look at how recent uploads have been done and you'll get the idea.
There is more info scattered among the threads on how to do things. Sid has suggested to prepare the description in a text file to verify everything, because you can't edit after posting, and it can be used if you upload somewhere else, too.
What I've been doing is upload on Demonoid first, where you can edit torrent descriptions, and copy it here, with minor adjustments for image links. A couple from another prolific uploader, ArgosDaz, who has yet to surface. (sorry for the bundle, but that's the way it was initially done).