Install Memcached Windows Xampp
A note to anyone who runs into issues with getting memcached working on Windows. • For starters ensure that you have the right version of the memcached dll and that it is accessible.
Install xampp on windows 7,install xampp on windows 8.1,install xampp on windows 8 32 bit,install xampp on windows with memcached. How to Install XAMPP in Windows8. Download and installing Memcache server for windows Download the Memcache.exe from jellycan After completion of download, unzip and put the memcache.exe file into any desired directory of your choice (e.g. Make sure folder name should be memcached.
There is a wide selection available at and it is all too easy to choose the wrong version of memcached! Djent guitar vst. • If you are running PHP 5.5 you will additionally require php5.dll. You can get this • You may need to edit your environment PATH settings so this dll can be found.
Go to My Computer->Properties->advanced and click on Environment Variables to view/edit the path. You need to restart the computer if you edit this. • Ensure that the memcached server is installed. Ctrl + Alt + Del and check that memcached is present in your list of services • If not you need to *install it from the Cmd prompt run as administrator (from the start menu, choose accessories, click on command prompt and choose to run as administrator) c: pathtomemcached memcached.exe -d install • follow this with c: pathtomemcached memcached.exe -d start or net start “memcached Server”. On my installation the former does not work • Likewise I am unable to start memcached from the Services tab of the Task Manager • It is handy to be able to play around with memcached at a low level so, if required, and from the command prompt type telnet. Now open port 11211 and try using memcached • It is also useful to be able to keep tabs on what is happening in memcached. Is by far the best tool for the job.
I'm super confused about this. Memcached (with a 'd') and Memcache are not the same thing. Every other post I've read online over the past few hours suggests that Memcached (ending in a 'd') cannot be installed on Windows. Are you sure that you got Memcached working on Win? Could it work with PHP 7.0.1 x64 thread-safe? I've been stressing for hours trying to get this to work but keep getting PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:/php-7.0.1-Win32-VC14-x64/ext/php_memcache.dll' - The specified module could not be found.