Bcit New Media And Web Development Program
BCIT Student Association. New Media and Web Development or D3? I'm not exactly eager to start another 2 year program, so I'm wondering if New Media is.
So I am considering heading over to BCIT to get a more business oriented educational experience after being discouraged after many years in CompEng at UBC. I talked to an advisor and he was really pushing the D3 program saying lots of people are getting jobs. Does anyone know anything about this program? Also I checked out the BITMAN program and it seems pretty good. Any thoughts on that as well?
All comments are appreciated!! Edit: I worked for >1 year as a PM intern at a large tech firm and really enjoyed the business side of things. Coding in assembly? Hey there, I'm currently a first year in the D3 program! The program itself is only about 3 years old, and I'm the third intake, meaning there's only 1 successful batch of grads so far, so I'm not sure how accurate the employment rate is. However, D3 supposedly in high demand, so they're expanding the program seats so there will be about 3x as many seats next year than there are now.
Do I like it? I too really like the business side of the tech industry, but you dont get that with this program. Amazingly, the D3 program is apart of the business faculty, and there are some basic business courses, so if you wanted to complete a diploma then bridge to receive your BBA, that option is available (that's what I'm doing). The D3 program is super vast though, so it covers a lot of different computer programs and fields, but because of that, you become the jack of all trades, but the master of nothing. You'll work a TON with Adobe's creative suit and some other programs such as Maya.
If you dont like coding, then you'll be in for a treat, because there's also a lot of code centric content. So far we've tackled PHP, JQuery and JS, which is a lot if you've had no previous background experience. I've grown to love the design and business side of it, but there are classes which are completely irrelevant to what I'll be doing (like visual effects and making short films), so that can be frustrating. If I were you, I'd go through the course list, read each class description, and then make a decision. I don't regret going into this program, but I would have definitely taken a closer look at some of BCIT's business courses had I known what I do today.
Overall, I DO like my program, I promise! I have no doubts that I'll get a job after I complete my diploma as Vancouver's tech industry is booming and BCIT has an excellent reputation. Hope that helps, and good luck in making a decision!
Thinking of switching from ABET into something else, architecture is not working out for me. Sygic premium. I'd like to get into the tech industry and actually use my creative talents but I'm not really sure exactly what I'd be great at and these two programs seem to give a good foundation with D3 being a bit more broad. I'm not exactly eager to start another 2 year program, so I'm wondering if New Media is sufficient to land a job in one year, bust my ass learning more on the side then continue developing skills part time for career advancement and specialization after or if I should just suck it up, cash out more loans and go for 2 years in D3.