Australia Fbl Map 2012 Presidential Election

At our December 20 holiday party and general membership meeting, we will elect/re-elect a number of PSARA officers. The position of Outreach Vice President is open.

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Predict a winner: Battleground states. The 2012 presidential election is likely to be decided by voters in a small number of swing states. The Times has identified these states in play — shown below in gray — based on polling data and other factors, and we’ll update the list from time to time as polls shift. Reset Share your map.

Additionally, the positions of Secretary, Treasurer and eight Executive Board members will be up for election. We need people who are willing to put in some time to help PSARA be an effective community-based organization. If you are interested in donating time to PSARA, to help lead and represent PSARA for the next two years, call the PSARA office (206) 448-9646 and leave your name. Someone from the Election Committee will call you back, explain the duties of the position and confirm your interest.

By Mike Andrew George McGovern was the first presidential candidate I ever voted for. I was 20, and I meant my vote to be a vote against the war in Vietnam, and the toxic residue it was leaving in American politics. The election of 1972 turned out to be a disaster. In spite of my vote, Nixon swept every state except Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. McGovern couldn’t even carry his home state of South Dakota. When I heard on Sunday that he was dead, I remembered how disappointed I’d been on election night 40 years ago.

But I also remembered some other things. First, I remembered how hopeful we’d been about McGovern’s campaign, even though all the evidence pointed to the fact that he was going to lose, and lose big. I also remembered how terrified Nixon must have been of even the token opposition McGovern represented, so terrified, in fact, that he gambled – and lost – his presidency on a crackpot scheme to break into Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate Apartments. Finally I remembered phoning my Republican father the day Nixon resigned to say “I told you so.” He said, “Yeah, you did.” It was the first time he ever acknowledged that I might be right about politics.

All this remembering is by way of asking you to become a PSARA member if you’re not already, and to recruit a new member if you are. Help us to meet our goal of bringing 250 new members into PSARA by the end of this year. One of the lessons of that 40-year-old disaster is that corrupt and powerful leaders actually fear ordinary people, fear them under all circumstances, but fear them most of all when they are getting organized and are hopeful about the future.

Regardless of the outcome of this year’s election, if we still have hope for the future, we need to get organized to get ourselves there. You can help PSARA get where we need to be by joining today. If you’re already member, renew your membership and recruit a friend. By Robby Stern On Saturday, December 1, at 1 p.m., trade justice groups, labor activists, family farmers, immigration reformers, public health and net neutrality advocates, environmentalists, students, small business owners, and community activists from Canada, Mexico and the United States will gather at Peace Arch Park in Surrey, B.C. And Blaine, WA. These groups are united in their opposition to a new trade and investor rights agreement being written by U.S and other Pacific Rim country negotiators with the guidance of multi-national corporation representatives. Canada and Mexico recently joined the negotiations.

Negotiations have been going on for more than two years under extreme secrecy. Thankfully, there have been leaks and what we have learned is very very disturbing. This agreement represents a fundamental attack on the 99%. Public Citizen and our local WA Fair Trade Coalition, led by PSARA member Kristen Beifus, have done terrific work in gathering information on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).

NAFTA, WTO, Korus (Korea/US trade agreement) and now the TPP are only partially about “trade”. Rather, they are designed to set up a system of enforceable global governance to benefit large corporations. The TPP would establish corporate run tribunals invested with the power to require that tax dollars be used to compensate corporations if environmental and health laws in the Pacific Rim countries undermine “expected future profits” of multinational corporations. TPP will also enhance the offshoring of U.S.