Adt Safewatch Pro 3000 Forgot Master Code
A Safewatch Pro 3000, however, corresponds with the Honeywell/ADEMCO Vista 20P. If you have a 20SE, or any of the non-Honeywell panels mentioned above, we recommend sending an email with a picture of the system to support@alarmgrid.com or calling our main phone number (888-818-7728). Jan 28, 2011 - This may help or it may not: To program a new master code: Enter [installer code] + 8 + 02 + [new master code] OR, go to this link:.
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Safewatch Pro3000 Over the holidays, I lost my keychain. On said chain was a very expensive key fob for unlocking and starting our car, the keys to our front door, and a remote control that arms and disarms the alarm system. For several days, the wife and I searched frantically and repeatedly for the keys. Needless to say, I didn’t leave the house the whole time. In the hopes of perhaps disabling the alarm keyfob myself, I downloaded the user manual for my alarm system (a Safewatch Pro 3000), but I could not figure out a way to complete the process.
After of the fourth day of failing to locate the missing keys, we decided it was time to call a locksmith and ADT, our alarm company. The ADT technician arrived promptly and was extremely fast, courteous and helpful. But he said he couldn’t remove the fob without plugging in an external keyboard that he had on hand. As he worked, I asked him about a feature of the alarm system that I’d read about in the manual: A. Simply put, a duress code is a secondary, covert signal designed to be entered on the alarm keypad in the event that an attacker or robber ambushes you at home and forces you to disarm the system.
A duress code will appear to disarm the system, but it will also send a silent panic alert to the ADT monitoring station that a potentially hostile intruder has entered the home. I asked the technician how difficult it would be to set up a duress code for my system. Drivers motif xs6 review journal. He informed me that there was already one programmed into my unit, and that ADT technicians routinely set all systems like mine with the same default duress code: 2-5-8-0, the four digits that run straight down the middle of the keypad. My temporary shock was interrupted by a phone call, and before I knew it the technician was done and heading to his next appointment.
Later that evening, searches confirmed the technician’s statement. Thankfully, ADT helped me change the code to one of my choosing, but it took some trial and error via ADT’s phone support staff.

The ADT support lady told me that my alarm panel indeed was supposed to be configured by the technician with a duress code of 2-5-8-0. A duress code is an excellent idea, but default codes are almost always bad news. I was never told about this feature when the technician installed the system, and it is undocumented in the user manual. If you have a home security system, it might be a good idea to ask your alarm company if your system has a default duress code.
As luck would have it, we did ultimately find the lost key set — wedged deep between the seats in our car — but only after we’d already nullified two out of the three keys. Hi Brian, Just a comment re the latest e-mail on the duress codes.
In your last few e-mails (probably for the past couple of weeks or so) I’ve noticed that where you say “Please use the link above to continue reading this posting”, there is no link above. Not a major problem since by clicking on your website link below the “Best regards” which does still appear as a link it usually leads to the same place. The “manage your subscription” link also still appears at the bottom of the e-mails as usual. But there must be some glitch that’s deleting the “link above”. For example, in the “Duress” e-mail, all I see at the top above the text are the following 2 lines, neither of which is a link: Krebs on Security has posted a new item. Does Your Alarm Have a Default Duress Code? (Author: BrianKrebs) I use Gmail by the way.